In 2014, our labor movement came out with 50 conservative principles for working families. In 2015, Donald Trump has come out and espoused and recommended most of our principles and ideas. Because of this, we are endorsing Mr. Trump. Here…
Middle Class Fogotten During Obama – As seen in Yahoo and Reuters – The Lost Generation
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Reuters says today that: Middle class decline looms over final years of Obama presidency After 7 years, the middle class may receive some tax relief and incentives for working. View image |–business.html;_ylt=A0SO80m9zLtUJgkASvul87UF;_ylu=X3oDMTExbGtvMmJiBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDVUlDMV8xBHNlYwNzYw–
You didn’t build That? You built NOTHING. Politician Talk is CHEAP.
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On November 6, 2012, Elizabeth Warren suggested that without government, there would be no education, construction, roads, or success. In response to her speech, we received the following email response from a working family member with a 3rd grade education.…
The CLM Conservative Labor Movement – Going Global in a Country Near You
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The CLM Conservative Labor Movement is an global movement committed to helping working people to be empowered and increase their quality of life. The CLM Conservative Labor Movement is designed to help negotiate and bargain with the government, foreign nations and global companies…
Immigration – Hardest Hit – Hurts the Women and Minorities ?
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Immigration – Hardest Hit – Hurts the Women and Minorities ? Immigration has many results that are usually great. However, un-regulated immigration abandons the rules, and unfairly discriminates against millions of other families. Thus, when the system is broken, it…
Millions of Americans to Poor to leave home. 57 Million Americans from working familes affected.
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The economy and employment has forced millions to live with their parents or grandparents. A massive record breaking 57 million Americans, or a wopping 18.1% of the population, is living in multigenerational arrangements in 2012, according to the Pew Research Center. This…