Author Archive for admin

71% Approve Trump Economy & 100,000 People for Trump Rally Orlando Tickets – Economy Ranked Best in 50 Years

Over one hundred thousand people have applied to attend the Trump Rally in Orlando – 71% of the Voters Approve the Economy – Trump polls are at all time highs Nationwide 10 Reasons Trump Economy Could be The…

Labor Endorses Trump

In 2014, our labor movement came out with 50 conservative principles for working families.  In 2015, Donald Trump has come out and espoused and recommended most of our principles and ideas.  Because of this, we are endorsing Mr. Trump. Here…

Middle Class Fogotten During Obama – As seen in Yahoo and Reuters – The Lost Generation

Reuters says today that: Middle class decline looms over final years of Obama presidency After 7 years, the middle class may receive some tax relief and incentives for working. View image |–business.html;_ylt=A0SO80m9zLtUJgkASvul87UF;_ylu=X3oDMTExbGtvMmJiBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDVUlDMV8xBHNlYwNzYw–